Photo of Henrik Knierim
+41 44 635 58 20
Y11 F96
Department of Astrophysics
University of Zurich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zürich

My research in planetary astrophysics focuses on the formation and evolution of giant planets, particularly the connection between their formation processes and their present-day atmospheres. I employ a multifaceted approach, combining analytical calculations and numerical simulations to model both the internal structure and formation of these massive worlds. Additionally, I'm fascinated by the phenomenon of Ohmic dissipation in hot Jupiters and its potential influence on their atmospheric makeup. I also collaborate frequently with observers to help constain the interior structure of exoplanets.

Besides my research, I organize the UZH Planetary Seminar. The goal of the seminar is to brainstorm ideas and discuss interesting results. There is no fixed structure to it. You can give a talk, just show a few plots you'd like to discuss, or give a black board presentation. It is especially good for finding collaborations or getting insights from the other planetary scientists here at the DAP. The time frame is not strict but typically about 20 - 30 minutes. If you are interested in giving a talk, please contact me.